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作者:yyg30  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-10-24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




直接引语是感叹句时,若要变作间接引语,通常用引述动词tell, exclaim等。如:

“What a brave boy you are!” she told him. “你是一个多么勇敢的男孩子啊!”她告诉他说。

She told him what a brave boy he wag. 她告诉他说他是一个多么勇敢的男孩子。

He said, “Hurrah! My friend is come.” 他说道,“乌拉!我的朋友来了。”

He exclaimed with delight that his friend had come. 他欢呼他的朋友来了。(引述动词用exclaim, 并加状语with delight)



He said, “Alas! How foolish I have been!” 他说道,“哎,我多傻啊!

He confessed with regret that he had been very foolish. 他痛悔地承认他太傻了。(引述动词用confess加状语with regret)

What a crime he has committed!” she said. “他犯了多大的罪啊!”她说道。

She didn’t know what a crime he had committed. 她不知道他犯了那么大的罪。(引述动词用know的否定式)



“How fast she can run!” he says. “她竞能跑得那样快!”他说道。

It’s incredible how fast she can run. 她跑得如此之快令人不可置信。(it’s incredible表示说话人的神情)

He said to them all, “Good-bye, my friends!” 他对他们说道,“再见,我的朋友们!

He bade good-bye to all his friends. 他向他的所有朋友道别。(这里连间接引语也没有了)




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