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作者:HMGREEN  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2019-08-25  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. —Where can I tie the horse?

—Oh, you can tie it to ________ of the trees.

A. both              B. every              C. each              D. either

2. —Do you speak Chinese, or Japanese?

—I don’t speak ________ of them.

A. none             B. all            C. neither          D. either

3. —Which one can I take?      

—You can take ________ of them; I’ll keep none.

      A. both        B. any          C. either             D. all

4. I asked him for some oil, but he hadn’t ________.

A. any       B. some       C. no       D. anything

5. It is impossible for so ________ workers to do so ________ work in a single day.

A. few; much  B. few, many  C. little; much   D. little; many

6. As it was a stormy night, ________ people went to see the film.

A. a few      B. few         C. several    D. many

7. For quite ________ students, their teachers’ advice is more important than ________ of their parents’.

      A. few; one B. a few; that     C. a little; some D. a lot; many

8.—Have you got ________ ready for the dinner?

—No, I still need to buy some pork and vegetables.

      A. anything              B. everything           C. something           D. nothing

9. —The text was easy, wasn’t it?

—Yes, but I don’t think ________ could pass it.

A. somebody    B. anybody C. nobody   D. everybody

10. The man has lived in the small town for 20 years. So he knows ________ who is ________ there.

A. somebody; nobody  B. everybody; anybody

C. nobody; everybody  D. anybody; everybody

11. To pay to see that movie will be foolish when you can see it on television for ________.

      A. everything           B. anything              C. something           D. nothing.

12. I don’t like this pair of shoes. Will you show me ________?

      A. another  B. the others     C. some others        D. other ones

13. Animals do not talk with words. They use smells, sounds and movements to communicate with ________ animal.

      A. any          B. another  C. each              D. the other

14. To some life is pleasure, while to ________ it is suffering. But I don’t know what it is to me.

      A. ones              B. others            C. the others     D. those

15. In that case, there is nothing you can do ________ than wait.

A. more     B. other      C. better       D. any

16.—How about the price of these refrigerators?

      —They are equal to, if not cheaper than, ________ at the other stores.

      A. others            B. it                     C. that         D. the ones

17. The culture and customs of America are more like ________ of England than of any other country.

      A. that          B. this          C. what              D. those

18.—Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can’t find a repair shop.

—I know ________ nearby. Come on, I’ll show you.

A. one         B. it                     C. some             D. that

19. I’m afraid I’m not fit for the job, for it is ________ calling for much patience.

       A. which            B. what        C. one         D. that

20. No bread eaten by man is so sweet as ________ earned by his own labour.

A. one         B. what        C. such              D. that

21. The trainer praised me, for what I did was better than ________ of the top player on the team.

A. any          B. each              C. that         D. those

22. There is only one English-Chinese dictionary in this bookshop. I wonder if you still want to buy ________.

A. it                     B. one         C. another  D. any

23. The mistakes made by Chinese students are quite different from ________ made by the Japanese students in English study.

A. that                 B. which            C. what              D. those


1. D。由词义即可排除ABC。另外,every只能作定语,不可接of 短语。

2. D。指两者,排除AB。因谓语已为否定,不用neither,排除Cnot…either=neither

3. D。由I’ll keep none.可知,你可以都拿去;none多于两者,不用both

4. A。在否定句中一般只用any。因前面提到的是oil,应是他没有oil,而不是什么东西都没有,因此不用nothing

5. Aworkers是复数可数名词,不能用little修饰,排除CDwork(工作)是不可数名词,不能用many修饰,排除B

6. B。暴风雨之夜,自然没几个人去,语气是否定的,故用few

7. B。后一空是替代不可数名词the advice,排除ADstudents是复数可数名词,排除C;另外,quite后通常接a fewa little

8. B。由still可知,问的是是否一切都准备好了。

9. Dnot…everybody并非每一个人。

10. B。在小镇上住了20年,当然认识每个人(everybody)”,即这里的任何人(anybody)”

11. Dfor nothing=for no money; free免费。注意含复合不定代词的短语,如anything but=not at all=far from一点也不、决不,nothing but=only仅仅等。

12. A。此处another=another pair of shoes

13. B。与另一种动物交流,并非特指,用another

14. Bsome…others..“一些另一些…”

15. Bother than=except(除了)。又如You can’t get there other than by car.(除坐小车外,你无法到达那里。)

16. Dthe ones替代“the+复数名词,以避免重复,在此题中替代the refrigerators

17. Dthose=the ones,此处替代the culture and customs

18. Aone替代“a / an+单数可数名词,替代题中a repair shop

19. Cone在句中替代a job“…这是很需要耐心的一份工作。

20. D。此处that=the breadBread是不可数名词。替代不可数名词,只能用that;而(the)one, those都只能替代可数名词。

21. C。教练表扬了我,因为我的表现比队里最优秀的运动员的表现还好。

22. Ait替代“the+单数名词指前面提到的同一事物。因店里只有一本,所以如果要买,只好买这本(the dictionary)了。

23. Dthose=the mistakes


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