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作者:DEKT-CZ  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2017-03-24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. How many _______ are there on the hill?

A. sheep              B. tree             C. child                    D. student

2. Shanghai is one of the biggest _______ in the world.

A. city                B. citys              C. cities                    D. cityes

3. March 8th is _______.

A. Woman’s Day                    B. Women Day

C. Woman Day’s                    D. Women’s Day

4. There is some _______ in the glass.

A. water         B. sweets           C. erasers         D. milks

5. I want to write to my parents. Please pass me _______.

A. two piece of paper             B. two pieces of paper

C. two piece of papers          D. two pieces of papers

6. —Can I help you, sir?


A. Two teas, please                B. Two tea, please

C. Two cup of teas                 D. Two cups of teas

7. The teacher has given us much _______.

A. books              B. advice            C. magazines         D. dictionary

8. There is a _______ on the desk. (www.yygrammar.com)

A. news               B. paper            C. newspaper          D. bread

9. My mother will buy me a new _______ of shoes.

A. pair                B. pairs               C. piece                   D. pieces

10. Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city, but she had no _______.

A. trouble             B. idea         C. luck                      D. time


1. A  how many 后接复数名词,四个选项中只有A项是复数形式。

2. C  one of + 形容词的最高级 + 复数名词,故C项正确。

3. D  woman 的复数为women,它属不规则的名词变化形式。women的所有格形式后面加-’s

4. A  some 后可接可数名词和不可数名词,但此句中的谓语动词是is,所以只能接单数可数名词或不可数名词,故A项正确。

5. B  paper是不可数名词,其复数不能在词尾加-s,需加量词piece两张纸two pieces of paper来表达。

6. A  tea作为物质名词是不可数的,但若表示一杯茶一种茶,则是可数的。Two teas, please意为请来两杯茶。类似的有:Two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒。

7. B  much后接不可数名词,advice 为不可数名词,ACD项为可数名词。

8. C  空格前有a,所以空格处应填单数可数名词,news(新闻), paper(), bread(面包)是不可数名词,newspaper(报纸)是可数名词。

9. A  shoes(鞋子)只能用pair 来修饰,不能用piece一双新鞋子a new pair of shoes来表达。

10. C  句中but 表转折关系,句意为虽然她尽力了,但还是没有找到工作。比较四个选项的词义,只有no luck(不幸运,不如意)合乎句意,故选C


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