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作者:JDG  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2016-12-15  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. 通常用作方式副词,修饰动作的方式。如:

He doesn’t dress half so strangely as Tom. 他衣着的奇异不及汤姆的一半。

He looked at me really strangely. 他非常奇怪地看着我。


The house was strangely quiet. 这所房子静得出奇。

Such optimism has become strangely out of place. 这种乐观变得怪异而不合时宜。

On certain important details the report remains strangely silent. 这份报告在某些重要的细节问题上只字未提,莫名其妙。

2. 有时还可用作句子副词,修饰整个句子,此时通常后会接enough。如:

Strangely, the idea that she might have left Berlin did not occur to me until I got to the station. 奇怪的是,在我到达车站之前,我从没想到她可能已经离开柏林了。

Strangely (enough), I’ve never seen that TV programme. 说也奇怪,我从未看见那个电视节目。

He lives next door, but strangely enough I rarely see him. 他就住在隔壁,但说也奇怪,我很少见到他。


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