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作者:李  翔  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2013-04-22  文章录入:李翔  责任编辑:admin




本站特约作者  李翔  


三、指示代词  that  


指示代词that的意思是“那个”,其复数形式为those(那些);其相对应的词为this,意思是“这个”, this的复数形式为these(这些)   

《新编英语语法》(第三版)p332上认为指示代词that通常在一定的照应关系中出现,其确切含义通常取决于上下文中的照应对象(Referent)或其它非语言因素( Extralinguistic Factor),从而这一类词在一定上下中形成的照应关系叫做“指示照应”(Demonstrative Reference)  



 3.2.1  指示代词that用作主语 例如:  

That was many years ago.  

 3.2.2 指示代词that用作宾语 例如:  

Have you got that?  

Do they always dance like that in   France  ?  

 3.2.3 指示代词that用作表语(主语补语) 例如:  

Oh, it’s not that.  


They say the only real knowledge is that which can be measured. 据说唯一真实的知识是可以检验的知识。  

That which an individual seeks, that he will find. 一个人要寻找的东西总会找到的。  



a. 当说话人在介绍他人的时候,可以说:  

This is my brother John. John, this is my classmate Sunny. 这是我弟弟约翰。约翰,这是我同学桑妮。  

That is her husband.  

Good morning. This is (I am) Sunny. 早安,我是桑妮。  

注:I am This is正式一点,比较适合陌生人之间使用。  

b. 指着一张照片或名单可以说:These are my parents. Those are my children.  

c. 在电话中,this that可以指在电话中交谈的双方。美国人用this指双方;英国人则用this指自己,用that指对方。 例如:  

Who’s this speaking, please? () 请问你是谁?  

Who’s that speaking, please? () 请问你是谁?  

d. that this可以和 it 一样用来辨认某人是谁。例如:  

That is my mother.  

That looks like your father.  

“Who’s that?” “It’s John.  

This is John. Is that Susan?  

总之,指示代词指人是受到严格限制的。在这个问题上,指示代词that(this) those(these)还略有区别。在一定的语境中,those(these)可以指人。例如:  

She spent an unhappy weekend with her parents. These (=her parents) did not very greatly care for her.  

但是,不可以改为:She spent an unhappy weekend with her mother. That did not very greatly care for her.  

因为that(this)不可以单独指人,但可以用限定词“that(this)+名词”:She spent an unhappy weekend with her mother.  That old woman did not very greatly care for her.  


For hundreds of years, ST Bernard (圣伯纳寺院) dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the Pass (山口).These were kept at the monastery even in Roman times. 在这里,these的指代是有歧义的,既可以指dogs,也可以指travellers,如果改为…, These dogs were kept at the monastery even in Roman times. 指代就明确了。  

另外,《贺氏英语语法全书》p325、《高级英语语法》(最新修订)p126-130、张轶前《通用英语代词、替代词教程》P71-78Longman English Grammar《朗曼英语语法》p163-165对指示代词that的作用进行了详尽的描述。  


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