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作者:陈根花  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2013-03-30  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



本站特约作者  陈根花(本文曾刊于《第二课堂》杂志)




1. 将否定副词never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere 等置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

Hardly had the performance begun when the lights went out. 演出刚开始就停电了。

Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他不怎么明白这个会议的重要性。

Never has there been such an effort to save whales from extinction. 如此抢救鲸鱼,以使其免于灭绝,是从来没有过的。

2. no sooner…than…结构中的 no sooner置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain. 我们刚离开家就开始下雨了。

No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off.  我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。

3. not…until…结构中的 not…结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

Not until we lose our health do we realize its value. 等到失去了健康才明白它的价值。

Not until I had read your letter did I understand the true state of affairs. 直到我看过你的信,我才了解事实真相。

4. not only…but (also)…结构的not only…部分置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed. 我们不但丢了钱, 而且几乎丧了命。

Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 不仅他讲话更正确,而且讲得也较不费劲了。

5. no longer结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

No longer did he feel disappointed, but happy and hopeful. 他不再感到沮丧,而是高兴,充满希望。

6. not (a)…结构置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

Not a single word did she say. 她连一声也没有吭。

Not a soul was there to show us the way. 没有一个人给我们指路。

7. 将含有否定词的介词短语置于句首时,其后引出部分倒装。如:

At no time did he lose his self-control. 他始终没有失去控制力。

On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝 不能触摸的。

In [Under] no circumstances will I lend money to him. 无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。

注:in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序。如:

In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。


1. Did Linda see the traffic accident?

No, no sooner _________ than it happened.

A. had she gone                                        B. she had gone

C. has she gone                                         D. she has gone

2. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _________ with my progress.

A. the teacher is not satisfied                      B. is the teacher not satisfied

C. the teacher is satisfied                           D. is the teacher satisfied

3. Never in m wildest dreams _________ these people are living in such poor conditions.

A. I could imagine                                     B. could I imagine    

C. I couldn’t imagine                                 D. couldn’t I imagine

4. Never before _________ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.

A. has this city been                                   B. this city has been

C. was this city                                          D. this city was


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