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helpful 可用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”吗?
作者:李  翔  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2010-05-25  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

helpful 可用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”吗?





一、认为形容词helpful可用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”的主要有:

1.《牛津初中英语》九年级上补充习题(译林出版社 20087月第2)p5

It is helpful of you to prepare the food.

2. 张柏然主编《新时代英汉大词典》(商务印书馆 20044月第1)p1099

It is helpful of you to do that. 你那样做,真是太肯帮忙了。

3. 包天仁主编《新编大学英语形容词副词名词用法词典》(世界图书出版西安公司200010月第1)p295

It was helpful of you to do that. 你这样做真是助人为乐之举。

二、认为形容词helpful可用于“it+v-link+adj.+for+n+to do sth”的主要有:

1. 包天仁主编《新编大学英语形容词副词名词用法词典》(世界图书出版西安公司200010月第1)p295

Don’t throw it, it is helpful for us to repair the bike. 别扔了它,它对我们修自行车有帮助。

During intensive training in the production of a certain sound, it is helpful for students to hear a correct model after they have produced the sound themselves. 在训练发音时让学生发完某个音后听到正确的发音是很有益的。

2. 张柏然主编《新时代英汉大词典》(商务印书馆 20044月第1)p1099

It would be helpful for me to know what you think about the plan. 了解你对这计划的看法,对我来说是有益的。

3.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)(商务印书馆 2009)p955

It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. 要能亲眼看看造成的破坏会对我有所帮助。

4. Lingoes (http://www.lingoes.cn/zh/)之《朗文当代英语词典》:

It is helpful for family members to gain a basic understanding of the illness.

5. Lingoes (http://www.lingoes.cn/zh/)之《麦克米兰英语词典》- American

it's helpful for someone to do something: It would be helpful for me to meet him personally.

6. Lingoes (http://www.lingoes.cn/zh/)之《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》:

It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself.

从以上对形容词helpful用法的论述可以看出:只有英语为非母语的人士认为helpful可用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”;而无论英语为母语还是非母语的人士都认为helpful可用于“it+v-link+adj.+for+n+to do sth”。

究竟helpful能否用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”?笔者认为无论以英语为母语的英国人,还是以英语为母语的美国人几乎都不把helpful用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”之中。何以见得?请看例证:

1. BNC(英国国家语料库http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk) BUY-BNC BRTISH NATIONAL CORPUS (UK,1980s-1993) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/ 上共有3115个包含helpful的例句,竟然无有1helpful用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”的句子。

2. The Collins WordbanksOnline English corpus (http://www.collins.co.uk/Corpus/) 随即给出50个包含helpful的例句,竟然无有1helpful用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”的句子。

3. TIME CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1923-2006) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University ) (http://corpus.byu.edu/time) 上共有1162个包含helpful的例句,竟然无有1helpful用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”的句子。

4. BUY CORPUS OF AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2008) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/上共有9792个包含helpful的例句,竟然只有1helpful用于“it+v-link+adj.+of+n+to do sth”的句子:

It would be very helpful of the leaders of Japan and China to build up relations of mutual trust quickly so that they can instantly communicate with each other at any time over a hot line.


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