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21. Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. I’m sure we will win.

Mike: _______! (2005广东卷)

A. Congratulations  B. Cheers             C. Best wishes     D. Good luck



【解析】对方说要去参加比赛或考试等时,用Good luck!(祝你好运!)来应答。句意为:迈克,我们队这个周末将要与火箭队比赛,我相信我们队会赢。”“祝你们好运!又如:I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow.” “Oh, good luck!” “我明天要去参加求职面试。”“哦,祝你好运。

22. Tara: This is Tara Patel from Cotton House in Kidderminster. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

Mr. Smith: _______ (2005广东卷)

A. Hello.               B. I’m Mr. Smith.   C. Who are you? D. Speaking.



【解析】用英语打电话时,若接电话的人就是对方要找的人,通常就说Speaking,其意为我就是(你要找的人)。此时的Speaking可视为 This is … speaking的省略。

23. _______, Carolina couldn’t get the door open. (2005广东卷)

A. Try as she might   B. As she might try  C. She might as try D. Might she as try



【解析】虽然解的as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的作表语或状语的名词、形容词、副词,或者动词原形要放在句首。又如:Try as he might, he couldn't solve the problem. 尽管他设法这样做,却不能解决这个问题。

24. He glanced over at her, _______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together. (2005广东卷)

A. noting              B. noted                C. to note              D. having noted




25. John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will _______ him _______ at the airport. (2005广东卷)

A. send…away   B. leave…off        C. see…off           D. show…around



【解析】因为John要去伦敦,所以我去机场他,表示送某人see sb. off。约翰明天去伦敦,我要去机场给他送行。又如:He saw his friend off at the bus station. 他到汽车站为朋友送行。Anne saw Terry off at the station. 安妮到车站为特里送行。

26. You’d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor _______ you have to wait. (2005广东卷)

A. even if              B. as if                   C. in case              D. in order that



【解析】比较四个选项,只有填in case(以防万一),句子意思才通顺。句意为:当你去看医生时最好带点东西阅读,以防等待时没事做。又如:People insure their houses in case they catch fire. 人们给自己的房屋买保险,以防火灾。I don’t let him climb trees in case he tears his trousers. 我不让他爬树,以免撕破裤子。

27. John is very lazy. He falls _______ behind in his studies. (2005广东卷)

A. very                  B. far                      C. more                  D. still



【解析】表示程度,意为远远地far。句意为:约翰很懒,他在学习上远远落后了。又如:Thousands of people could die because the relief effort has fallen so far behind. 因救援工作远远没有跟上,数千人可能面临死亡。

28. Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science _______ that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill. (2005广东卷)

A. showed            B. has shown       C. will show          D. is showing



【解析】由表示对照的Years agorecent可知,以前不知,但现在已经证明了,所以用现在完成时。句意为:几年前我们不知道,但是最近的科学已经表明,睡眠不好的人会很快得病。


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