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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2017-05-11    
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1. You need a password to get _______ to the computer system.

A. access             B. passage           C. way                   D. approach

2. She fulfilled her _______ to become the first woman to run the 10,000 meters in under 30 minutes.

A. project              B. commitment    C. competition      D. ambition

3. I knocked at the front door, but there was no _______.

A. noise                B. news                C. answer             D. question

4. He decided to adopt a different _______ and teach the Bible through story-telling.

A. route                 B. purpose            C. destination       D. approach

5. Breast cancer is the leading ________ of death for American women in their forties.

A. result                B. cause                C. warning            D. reflection

6. I didnt have to work all weekend — I did it by ________.

A. contrast           B. choice               C. degrees            D. comparison

7. Government departments are in direct ________ with each other for limited resources.

A. reference        B. pressure          C. competition      D. investment

8. There’s no point in even attempting a (an) ________—he’ll never listen.

A. affection           B. declaration      C. confession      D. explanation

9. It makes a very bad ________ if you’re late for an interview.

A. expression                                   B. discussion      C. possession      D. impression

10. Install the machine according to the manufacturer’s ________.

A. explanations   B. introductions   C. descriptions     D. instructions

11. Don’t leave your shopping on the back seat of your car — it’s an open ________ to a thief.

A. adaptation        B. ambition           C. invitation          D. anticipation

12. If we have a bit of ________, we’ll see her before she leaves.

A. luck                  B. value                 C. success            D. money

13. I’m sorry, she’s out right now, can I take a ________?

A. message         B. ticket                 C. newspaper      D. passage

14. Make sure that you keep all dangerous substances out of the ________ of the children.

A. touch                B. sight                 C. reach                D. distance

15. When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all ________.

A. hearing             B. strength          C. recognition      D. measure

16. She raised her finger to her lips as a _______ for silence. (www.yygrammar.com)

A. secret                B. mark                  C. sign                   D. word

17. You thought I was the boss? Whatever gave you that ________?

A. advice            B. question         C. offer                  D. idea

18. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited for an ________.

A. interview          B. appreciation    C. exhibition         D. achievement

19. I can’t say which wine is best—it’s a ________ of personal taste.

A. waste               B. matter               C. piece                 D. kind

20. His ________ was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.

A. expectation      B. reputation        C. contribution     D. civilization


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