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作者:陈根花    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2017/4/7    
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Did you sleep well last night? 你昨晚睡得可好?

She copes very well under pressure. 压力之下,她应付得很好。

He played well in the second half of the match. 他在比赛的下半场表现得很好。



能用well修饰以加强语气的形容词不多,比较常见的有ablaze, able, accustomed, advanced, aware, content, prepared, qualified等。如:

He is well able to take care of himself. 他很会照顾自己。

I shall be well content to do so. 我将很高兴这样做。

He was well accustomed to hard work. 他早已习惯了艰苦工作。

Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health. 吸烟的人都知道吸烟对自身健康的危害。

My father was well qualified to act the part of a head teacher. 当时我爸爸十分胜任校长一职。

It is obvious to the students that they should get well prepared for their future. 很显然,学生应该为他们的将来做好准备。(天津卷)

By the time firefighters were called the house was well ablaze. 消防队员接到火警电话时,房子已是一片火海。


能用well修饰以加强语气的副词也很有限,比较常见的有away, back, down, forward, up等。如:

They were well down in front. 他们坐得很靠前。

Sales are well up on last year. 销量比去年大幅增加。

He leaned well forward in his chair. 他坐在椅子上身体很向前靠。

The house is set well back from the road. 这座房子离公路挺远。

Take my tip and keep well away from that place. 听我的劝告,离那个地方远远的。


能用well加强语气的情态动词主要是can, could, may, might。如:

1. can well:意思是完全能够”“完全可以”“有充分理由。如:

She can well answer such questions. 她完全能够那样的问题。

I can well understand how sorry he was then. 我能充分了解当时他是如何地难过。

2. could well意思是很可能”“完全能够”“有充分理由。如:

The crisis could well place the relationship at risk. 这场危机可能会使这一关系有破裂的危险。

This election result could well lead to further bloodshed. 这个选举结果很可能导致再发生流血冲突。

she could well afford to pay for the reception herself. 她能够很容易自己支付招待会的费用。

注意句式It could well be that…(很可能……)。如:

It could well be that he has a real vocation. 很可能他是找到了自己真正的使命。

It could well be that rich people treasure peace more highly than poor people. 很可能富人比穷人更珍惜和平。

3. may well:意思是很可能”“有充分理由。如:

check the joints — they may well need renewing. 检查一下接头——它们很可能需要更换了。

Liza may well not want to go on the trip—she hates traveling. 莉莎很可能不想去旅行——她讨厌旅行。(全国卷)

注意句式It may well be that…(很可能……)。如:

It may well be that the train is delayed. 火车很可能会晚点。

It may well be that the information is not available. 很有可能无法得到此信息。


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