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作者:陶知园    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2017/3/26    
          ★★★ 【字体:



湖南  陶知园




特技传授五注意:一要注意句中的时间状语,因为特定的时间状语往往需连用特定的时态;二要注意时态呼应,如主句的过去时态要与宾语从句的过去时态呼应,主句的将来时态要与时间状语从句和条件状语从句的一般现在时态呼应等;三要注意结合具体的语境来分析,不仅要分析动作的先后关系,而且要充分利用题干中已有时态的暗示,同时还要注意结合句子上下文的意思进行综合考虑;四看时态标志词,有的词语习惯上要与某种特定的时态连用,如习惯上要连用现在完成时的标志性词语有since(……以来), so far(到目前为止), by now(到现在为止), in the last [past] five years(在过去的五年中), it’s the first time…(第一次……)等;五要注意是否与被动语态综合考查,有时时态与语态综合考查,考生应在考虑时态的同时,根据句子主语与谓语动作的关系选择恰当的语态。


1. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you like that.” “You _____ your temper but it doesn’t matter.”

A. had lost            B. have lost           C. did lose             D. were losing

2. How have you been? We ______ we should never see you again.

A. think                 B. thought             C. have thought   D. are thinking

3. Unless we run, the film ______ by the time we get to the cinema.

A. will start            B. will have started    are starting              D. has started

4. There ______ less accidents on this road since the speed limit was introduced.

A. have been       B. were                  C. had been         D. have had

5. “You must have met him at the party.” “Oh, no, I ______.”

A. hadn’t              B. mustn’t              C. haven’t             D. didn’t

6. Unfortunately, when I arrived there, he ______ and we had little time to talk about it.

A. has just left     B. had just left      C. just left              D. was just leaving

7. Look at that little boy wandering about—perhaps he ______ his mother.

A. will lose           B. is losing            C. had lost            D. has lost

8. It’s good that we ______ to the park because it’s now started to rain.

A. don’t go           B. hadn’t gone     C. didn’t go           D. wasn’t going

9. Jim, you ______ your turn so you’ll have to wait.

A. will miss           B. have missed    C. are missing      D. had missed

10. The Smiths ______ to move but they’re still considering where to go to.

A. are deciding    B. decided             C. have decided  D. had decided

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