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作者:JDG    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2016/5/6    
        ★★★ 【字体:




1. 用作介词,表示……对面:如:

The hotel is opposite the church. 旅馆在教堂对面。

Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window. 把画挂在窗户对面的墙上。

I sat opposite him during the meal. 席间我坐在他的对面。


He sat opposite (to) her during the meal. 吃饭的时候他坐在她的对面。

注意,住在街道一边的人在谈到街道另一边的房子时应该说the houses opposite us(我们对面的房子),而不说the houses in front of us,后者的意思是在我们前面的房子

2. 用作形容词,注意以下用法:

(1) 表示对面的,若指的是某事物的另一边(on the other side of),则通常用于名词前作定语。如:

He struck out for the opposite bank. 他奋力向对岸游去。

Answers are given on the opposite page. 答案在对面一页上。


The man you are looking for is in the shop directly opposite. 你找的那个人就在对面的商店里。

Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite. 你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对着的书架上。


He lives in the opposite house. 他住在街对面的房子里。

He lives in the house opposite. 他住在对面的那座房子里。

(2) 表示完全不同的”“相反的,若指……相反,通常与介词to搭配。如

She went off in the opposite direction. 她往相反的方向走了。

I’ve got exactly the opposite opinion to yours. 我的意见和你的正相反。

注意习语the opposite sex(异性)。如:

He found it difficult to talk to members of the opposite sex. 他觉得很难与异性交谈。

3. 用作副词,表示在对面。如:

He was fascinated by the woman sitting opposite. 他被坐在对面的女士迷住了。

The window was broken by the boy who lives opposite. 窗户被住在对面的那个男孩打破了。

4. 用作名词,有两个意思是一是表示反义词,二是表示对立的事物”“相反的事物,为可数名词。如:

Black and white are opposites. 黑白是对立物。

But everything has an opposite. 但一切都有相反的一面。

You are nice; he is just the opposite. 你为人很好,他却恰恰相反。


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