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作者:HMYYBB    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2015/10/28    
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. I ________ stay at home than go to the cinema tonight.

A. would prefer       B. would better        C. had better            D. would ratter

2. How much shall I pay for the phone call?

You ________. This is free of charge.

 A. shouldn’t          B. can’t                  C. don’t have to      D. mustn’t 

3. He's in a temper today. No one ________ that to his face.

A. dare say             B. dare saying         C. dare says             D. dares say

4. Must we finish the work today? No, you ________.

  A. mustn’t           B. needn’t               C. can’t                  D. may not

5. Ann was not rich, but she________ help her neighbors when they were in difficulty.

  A. would             B. could                 C. ought                 D. must

6. It is a thousand pities that this ________.

A. could have happened                          B. would have happened 

C. should have happened                         D. must have happened

7. Well done. Tom. Thanks. But given more time, I ________ it better.

A. shouldn’t            B. could have done  C. should do            D. could do

8. Perhaps he’s working for Mr. Peter. Yes, he ________ for Mr. Peter.

  A. must work      B. may be working   C. will work           D. must have worked

9. The door ________. Better have it repaired.

A. isn’t shut                                           B. hasn’t been shut     

C. won’t be shut                                     D. won’t shut

10. This project ________ considered thoroughly, and I’m sure it ________ finished on time.

A. must be; may be                                 B. should be; can be  

C. may be; must be                                 D. can be; should

11. I’m amazed that such a young actress married so old a filmmaker so soon. She ________ him very much.

A. won’t have known                              B. can’t have known 

C. shouldn’t know                                   D. mustn’t know

12. What the matter with you?

Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I ________ so much fried fish just now.

A. shouldn’t eat                                       B. mustn’t have eaten 

C. shouldn’t have eaten                            D. mustn’t eat

13. It’s very important for you to be there on time. You ________ be there at 8: 00.

A. shall                   B. will                    C. can                     D. should

14. I’d like to take tomorrow off, ________ I?

A. shall                  B. may                   C. would                D. should

15. You may laugh, but I’ve been thinking of becoming a vegetarian.

Oh, you ________ be out of your mind. You will be hungry all the time.

A. must                  B. may                   C. will                   D. should

16. Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must                  B. may                   C. can                     D. will

17. You didn’t invite Bill?

________ him too?

A. Must I invite                                      B. Must I have invited  

C. Should I invite                                    D. Should I have invited

18. Is there a fog in the evening?

There ________ be. I’ll make a phone call to find it out.

A. must                   B. would                 C. will                    D. might

19. Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the shelf.

My goodness! You ________ yourself. You ________ do that next time.

A. must have hurt; mustn’t                       B. should have hurt; can’t

C. may have hurt; mustn’t                       D. might have hurt; won’t be able to

20. A foreign language like English is extremely useful, so you ________ work too hard at it.

A. can’t                   B. mustn’t               C. shouldn’t            D. needn’t

21. Do you still remember when we went to Beijing?

I can’t remember now but ________ sometime last summer?

A. could it be          B. might it be          C. could it have been D. should it have been

22. It’s terrible. The car ________ break down just as we were going on our holiday.

A. should                B. would                 C. could                  D. must

23. We ________ wait for a bus to get to the station since we are not in a hurry.

A. might well          B. might as well      C. could well           D. should as well

24. The concert was ten minutes late, so I ________ have run all the way from my house to the music hall.

 A. couldn’t            B. shouldn’t             C. needn’t               D. mustn’t

25. He received congratulations on his success from all of his friends. He had at last managed to realize his dream of winning championship in the Olympics.

It’s no wonder he ________, because he had never lost heart and never given up in spite of his past failures.

A. was able to         B. could                  C. dared                  D. used to


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