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作者:xsyyb-05…    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2015/10/3    
        ★★★ 【字体:




【考题实例】The wife said to his husband, “Buying such a white elephant is simply _______ (waste) money.”


Doing that was playing with fire. 这样做是玩火。

Talking to you is talking to the wall. 和你谈是对牛弹琴。

Denying this will be shutting one’s eyes to facts. 否认这一点就是睁眼不看事实。


My job is looking after the children. 我的工作就是照看这些孩子。(动名词looking after…作表语,表示主语my job的具体内容)

The work is difficult, but it is interesting. 件工作虽然很难,但很有趣。(现在分词转化来的形容词interesting作表语表示主语the work的特征)



【考题实例】He arrived home just in time to see his brother _______ (take) away by the police.

【考点分析】答案为being taken。根据句子前半部分的He arrived home just in time to see(他到家时正好看到)可知,空格处所填动词是指一个动词正在进行或发生的瞬间,故宜用动词的-ing形式,再根据句末的 by the police(被警察)以及his brothertake之间的关系,可知此处的动词-ing形式应用被动式,句意为:他到家时正好看到他的兄弟被警察带走。又如:

He often came to watch the boats being loaded and unloaded. 他常常到这里来看轮船装货卸货。

I woke up to hear the bedroom door being opened slowly. 我醒过来,听见卧室的门慢慢地被推开。


I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. 我管这叫做拆东墙补西墙。(宾补robbing Peter to pay Paul为传统语法中的动名词,用以说明 this 的具体内容)

No one thought the film interesting. 没人认为这部电影很有趣。(宾补interesting为传统语法中的现在分词,其实已转化为形容词,它在此用以说明 film 的性质或特点)

The police observed the man entering the bank. 警方监视着那男子进入银行的情况。(宾补entering the bank为传统语法中的现在分词,用以说明 them man 当时正在进行的动作)



【考题实例】Please stop making that noise—it’s getting ________ (annoy).


It was half seven; her mother would be annoyed because he was so late. 7点半了,他到得这么晚,她母亲一定会生气的。

It’s really annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation. 火车误点而又不作任何解释,这很令人恼火。


The man was very much frightened. 这个人非常害怕。

The man was very much frightening. 这个人非常可怕。

Her son was very disappointed. 她的儿子非常失望。

Her son was very disappointing. 她的儿子非常令人失望。

-ed形容词除用于说明人的感觉外,有也用于修饰voice, look, expression, appearance, manner, smile等,用以表示该名词逻辑主语的感觉。如

He gave her an astonished look. 他惊异地望了她一眼。

Mr. Knight gave a satisfied smile. 奈特先生露出满意的微笑。

His face wore a puzzled expression. 他脸上有一种困惑的表情。

She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上有一种忧虑的表情。


1. Can we call this _______ (serve) mankind?

2. The real problem is _______ (get) to know the needs of the customers.

3. Her suggestion was _______ (have) our conversation in French.

4. My teacher is both gentle and _______ (encourage) towards me.

5. I don’t like making speeches in public; it’s so _______ (embarrass).

6. You must find it _______ (excite) working here.

7. She smelt something _______ (burn) and saw smoke rising.

8. He often came to watch the boats _______ _______ (load) and unloaded.

9. I woke up to hear the bedroom door _______ _______ (open) slowly.

10. If she catches you _______ (read) her diary, she’ll be furious.

参考答案:1. serving  2. getting  3. having  4. encouraging  5. embarrassing  6. exciting  7. burning  8. being loaded  9. being opened  10. reading


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