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during which与during which time之异同
作者:曾克辉    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2014/12/2    
        ★★★ 【字体:


during whichduring which time之异同


■湖北武汉  曾克辉


一、during which的用法

during which相当于during the time / the period / the course of … 既可用于限制性定语从句也可用于非限制性定语从句,可指时间,也可指过程或阶段等,意为……期间;在……过程中;在……阶段等。

1. during which 用于限制性定语从句时,修饰对象为先行词,先行词在定语从句中表……期间;在……过程中。如:

September and October are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays. 一年中910两个月是大多数英国人休假的月份。

说明:句中的during which = and during the time of the months of the year 一年中的这两个月间

In 1988, Vietnam and china fought a brief naval battle during which more than 70 Vietnamese sailors died. 1988年,越南和中国曾进行过一次小规模海战70多名越南士兵在战斗中丧生。

说明:句中的during which = and during the course of the brief naval battle 小规模海战期间

2. during which 用于非限制性定语从句时,不修饰整个句子,只修饰句子中的某个词(组),被修饰的词(组),在从句中表……期间;在……过程中。如:

She kept her vow for a week, during which she was unusually cross and fretful.  她信守誓言有一星期之久,但在这一星期内,她显得五心烦躁,动不动就发脾气。

说明:句中的during which = and during the time of the week 在这一星期期间

He died in the Anti-Japanese War, during which my grandfather fought side by side with him. 他在抗日战争中为国捐躯,在抗战期间,我祖父曾与他并肩战斗过。

说明:句中的during which = and during the period of the Anti-Japanese War 在抗日战争期间


二、during which time的用法

during which time 相当于 during the time that/when + clause,只指时间,表示……期间

1. during which time通常用于非限制性定语从句,修饰前面主句,侧重点不在于主句中的时间名词,而是整个句子。如:

It took two years for me to get better, during which time he spoon-fed me and did absolutely everything around the house.  我过了两年时间才好起来,其间他喂我进食,并承担全部的家务。

说明:句中的during which time = and during the time when / that it took two years for me to get better 我过了两年时间才好起来的整个过程。

He spent four years in college, during which time he studied medicine. 他上了四年大学,这期间他学了医学。

说明:句中的during which time = and during the time when / that he spent four years in college他上了四年大学的整个过程。

2. during which time间或用于限制性定语从句,但仍是说明前面整个主句,所表达的还是非限制性定语从句的意义。如:

She lived for only seven weeks during which time her sister, Victoria, bought her a small teddy bear. 她只活了7周,在这期间,她的姐姐维多利亚给她买了一个小泰迪熊。

说明:句中的during which time = and during the time when / that she lived for only seven weeks她活了7这段时间。



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