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make sure后接that从句中的时态——兼谈make sure后接that从句中的能否用将来时
作者:李翔    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2014/4/3    


(vi)COCA(The CORPUS OF CONTEMPORAY AMERICAN ENGLISH (1990-2012) (Mark Davies, Brigham Young University) http://www.americancorpus.org/ )上的例句:

2012  Our responsibility is to make sure that children will be protected.

2012 We had to work with this to make sure that all the students would feel welcomed and no one would feel excluded.

2012 …it's also a sign that they're checking to see and make sure that they're not going to get caught.

2012 …, political leaders in that country who wanted to talk to American congressmen to make sure that we are not going to leave the Taliban in charge of Afghanistan.

2011…with accreditation demands) prior to configuring an OAP, it is possible to make sure that the product will do what the leadership team wants it to do.

2011 To make sure that the business will be a success, Mr. Aitken dispatched to General Villa's…

2011 Diocesan and parish officials across the country say they have worked hard to make sure that won't be the case when the new translations are introduced at Mass on…

2011 Everyone wants to make sure that it's going to be run as well and as beautifully as Tom has…

2011 Well, the first thing that we did is to make sure that she will be able to tolerate all the physical activities we had planned for…

2011 Thinking that my brother was coming home that night I wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to text me two hours later being like, …

2011 Now they want to make sure that our leadership will reflect constitutional conservative values.

2011…said that we weren't going to do that because I'm trying to make sure that I'm not going to give anybody anything else to throw against me.

2011..of the Energy Star label which goes through a number of testing procedures to make sure that the quality is going to be there.

2011 And make sure that everyone you surround yourself with is going to support you with what you're…

2011…pass muster with the Senate, where Republicans say they have enough votes to make sure that won't happen.

另外,有的工具书make sure除了查明确保两个意思外,还有别的意思,此时that从句可以用将来时。例如

(i)Fredrick T. Wood 著的《英语动词成语词典》(北京出版社 19845 月第1)P243make sure make certain同,但make sure在英语口语中可能更普遍。

make certain (3)Feel sure or convinced. (Colloquial) 感到确信或信服。(口语)  I made certain he was going to hit me.

(ii)邢志远主编《英汉惯用语大词典》(新世界出版社  1996年第一版)P1482:  make sure (that) 深信;自以为确定;自以为可靠: He makes sure that he will come out first.

(iii)张柏然主编《新时代英汉大词典》(商务印书馆 20044月第1) P2367:  make sure 2.[用过去时态](常指错误地)确信: I made sure he would help me, but I was disappointed.

(iv) Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v. 4.0) (Oxford University Press 2009) 13. (b) loosely. To feel certain, be convinced. 例如: 

He stormed at me all through the lessonsand would push me so close that I made sure he must run me through the body.   

I made sure I should get finer specimens later on.


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