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imaginative可以用于It’s +adj.+ of sb. to do sth.句式吗?
作者:李  翔    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2014/3/11    


2. 无论英语是本族语还是非本族语的人士编写的英语语法或惯用法中,均或多或少收录了可以用于“It’s +adj.+ of sb. to do sth.”句式的形容词,但唯独没有imaginative,这也从侧面证明了imaginative不可以用于“It’s +adj.+ of sb. to do sth.”。  


(1) L. G. Alexander Longman English Grammar《朗曼英语语法》(雷航等译 外语教学与研究出版社19911月第1)P629-630:可用于It’s+ adjective+(of sb.)+ to do sth.的形容词有:absurd,  advisable, alarming, awful, bad, better, best, brave, careless, certain, cheap, clever, cruel, dangerous, difficult, easy, enjoyable, enough, essential, expensive, fair, foolish, free, friendly, funny, good, great, hard(=difficult),helpful, dishonest, honest, hopeless, horrible, important6,just,kind,unkind,lovely, lucky, unlucky, natural, unnatural, necessary, unnecessary, nice, odd, pleasant, pointless, polite, impolite, possible, impossible, right, rude, sad, safe, silly, strange, stupid, true, untrue, useful, useless, vital, wise, unwise, wrong。  

(2)[] 绵贯阳等著《现代英语语法例解手册》(修订版))(申勇译 科学出版社20062月第1)P 483:用于It is… of A to…的形容词:bad, bold, brave, careless, clever, crazy, cruel, decent, foolish, good, honest, kind, naughty, nice, noble, polite, right, rude, selfish, sensible, silly, stupid, sweet, thoughtful, unkind, wicked, wise, wrong。  

(3)张克礼编著《新英语语法》(第二版)(高等教育出版社 20051月第2版)P203:可用于It’s +adjective +to do sth.essential, important, necessary, bad, better, brave, careless, civil, clever, coward, crazy, cruel, decent, dishonest, foolish, fun, good, hard, ill-natured, impolite, impossible, imprudent, kind, lovely, naughty, polite, reasonable, right, silly, spiteful, ungrateful, unusual, unwise, wonderful, wrong。  

(4)刘应德编著《分析英语语法》(四川大学出版社 200711月第1版)P354-355:在一些描写人的形容词后常用 of来引出不定式的逻辑主语:kind, nice, wrong, right, brave, sensible, sweet, friendly, good, stupid, considerate, thoughtful, wise, unwise, clever, silly, foolish, selfish, rude, splendid, careful, polite, complimentary, decent, naive, naughty。  

(5)薄冰著《薄冰英语语法指南》(外语教学与研究出版社20061 月第1 P519“It+be +形容词+0f +()+不定式举行所用的形容词都具有评论的性质:annoying, boring, trying, careful, careless, crazy, cruel, mad, silly, wise, nice, good, kind, wrong, right, stupid, rude, foolish, clever, greedy, unwise, polite, bold, sensible, thoughtful, generous, selfish, wicked。  

(6)Randolph QuirkA COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE《英语语法大全》( 翻译本)(华东师范大学出版社 19899月第1)  P 1700:careful, crazy, mad, silly, wise, careless, greedy, nice, unwise, wrong。  

(7)刘旭宝主编《英美语惯用法实用词典》(西南交通大学出版社19935月第1)P703:kind, unkind, wise, nice, good, considerate, sweet, foolish, polite, cruel, rude, absurd, wrong, imprudent, stupid,  unmanly, ungrateful, ill-natured。  

P 705(包括()井上义昌编著的《英美语惯用法辞典》( 拓等翻译 湖南师范大学出版社19915月第1)P764): It is … of you to…   ——“of+代(名)词在意义上是不定式的逻辑主语,同时of也含有(关于……)的意义,为此在 It iswas)的后面可能出现评判人、物性质的形容词或分词:(a)人品 kind, good, nice, considerate, amiable, sweet, thoughtful, (b)思维活动及方法:clever, foolish, simple, dull, silly, stupid, sensible, (c)行为的善恶(行为者的品性)wrong, cruel, rude, bad, wicked, selfish, impertinent, cowardly, (d)行为手段(行为者的手腕)well-done, cleverly, managed。  

(8)John Eastwood 著的Oxford Guide to English Grammar (Seventh impression 2002)P153A common pattern is“it+linking verb +adjective+to-infinitive clause”.  Here are some examples of adjectives in this pattern: marvelous, terrific, wonderful, perfect, great, good, nice, pleasant, lovely, terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, interesting, exciting, depressing, confusing, embarrassing, amusing, easy, difficult, hard, convenient, possible, impossible, safe, dangerous, cheap, expensive, necessary, vital, essential, important, advisable, better, best, usual, normal, common, rare, strange, odd, incredible, natural, understandable, good, nice, kind, helpful, mean, generous, clever, intelligent, sensible, right, silly, stupid, foolish, careless, wrong, polite, rude(笔者注:可以看出imaginative不能用于it+linking verb +adjective+to-infinitive clause,更不要说用于“It’s +adj.+ of sb. to do sth.”了。)  


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