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作者:simple    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2013/8/27    
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. 并列连词bothand的用法


He speaks both English and French. 他既说英语也说法语。

Both brother and sister are college students. 兄妹俩都是大学生。

He can both speak and write Japanese. 他既能说日语也能写日语。

2. 并列连词eitheror的用法

并列连词either…or 意思是“要么……要么”“……或是……”。如:

He must be either mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是醉了。

Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错了就是我错了。

We can have either fish or beef. 我们可以吃鱼或是牛肉。

You can go swimming or play tennis. 你可以去游泳也可以去打网球。

We can either fly there or go by train. 我们可以坐飞机去也可坐火车去。

3. 并列连词neither...nor的用法


He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒,也不抽烟。

It’s neither too cold nor too hot. 天气既不太冷也不太热。

She felt neither frightened nor sorry. 她既不感到害怕也不感到遗憾。

Mary neither likes maths nor (likes) history. 玛丽既不喜欢数学也不喜欢历史。

Neither boys nor girls are interested in it. 男孩子和女孩子对此都不感兴趣。


Neither does he smoke nor does he drink. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。

4. 并列连词not only...but also的用法

并列连词 not only...but also 意思是“不仅……而且”。如:

Not only men but also women were chosen. 不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。

Not only men but also women were chosen. 选中的不仅有男的也有女的。

He not only read the book, but also remembered what he read. 他不仅读过这本书,而且还记得书中的内容。

He not only does his work well, but is also ready to help others. 他不但自己干得好,而且还肯帮助别人。

Not only is he funny, but he is witty too [as well]. 他不但风趣,而且也很机智。

Not only you but also he has to attend the meeting. 不只是你,他也必须参加会议。

为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。如:

Not only has she been late three times; she has also done no work. 她不仅仅迟到了3次,她还没干一点活。

Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water. 他们不但需要衣服,而且还缺水。


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