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作者:蒋娟姣    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2013/5/17    
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. Come and see us _______ that you’re in town. 

A. any time               B. until                     C. so that                  D. even if

2. _______ I ask you to do something, you always say you’re too busy.  

A. Now that              B. even though          C. Each time             D. In case

3. He felt nervous _______ she spoke to him. 

A. so that                  B. each time              C. in case                  D. now that

4. You must present your library ticket _______ you borrow books.  

A. every time            B. in case                  C. even if                  D. if only

5. They spoil their child by buying him a toy _______ they go shopping.  

A. even if                 B. now that               C. so that                  D. every time

6. _______ I’ve found myself in a social situation with my boss, we seem to run out of conversation after two minutes!

A. Ever since            B. Soon after             C. Every time            D. In case

7. She was so attractive and he fell in love with her_______ that he met her. 

A. as long as             B. now that               C. the first time         D. in order that

8. _______ we made a claim on our insurance they paid up really quickly. 

A. Last time              B. In case                  C. Even if                D. Now that

9. _______ I went to the pub with you, I ended up seriously out of pocket! 

A. In order that         B. Even although       C. The last time         D. Ever since

10. Why don’t you drop in for a drink _______ you’re over this way? 

A. next time              B. in case                  C. ever since             D. so that

11. _______ you decide to take some action, kindly inform me.(www.yygrammar.com)

A. Now that              B. In case                  C. Next time             D. If only

12. He goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water _______ he drives the car.

A. so that                  B. every time            C. even though          D. Since then


1. A。句意为:不管什么时候你来城里,过来看我们吧。

2. C。句意为:我每次叫你做什么事,你都总说你太忙。

3. B。句意为:每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。

4. A。句意为:你每次借书都必须出示借书证。

5. D。句意为:他们每次外出购物都给他带一件玩具,这样把他宠坏了。

6. C。句意为:我发觉每次和上司在社交场合时,过两分钟我们就无话可说了!

7. C。句意为:她那么有魅力,他一见到她就爱上她了。

8. A。句意为:上次我们申领保险赔付的时候,他们给付得非常爽快。

9. C。句意为:上次我和你去酒店,我最后把钱都花光了。

10. A。句意为:你下次路过时进来喝一杯怎么样?

11. C。句意为:你下次再决定采取行动时,劳驾通知我一声。

12. B。句意为:他每次开汽车都总是不厌其烦地把油和水整个检查一遍。


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