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作者:李  翔    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2013/4/22    


3.4 指示代词that 用于远指  

如同that作限定词一样,指示代词that(复数those)指远处或远时;this(these) 指近处或近时。  

 3.4.1 用于空间上的“远指”  


(1) This is really delicious; how do you make it? 这个味道真好,你是怎么做的?  

(2) That smells nice. Is it for lunch?  那道菜闻起来真好。是不是午餐吃的?  

(1)是说话者正在吃的时候 (菜或其它吃的就在身边)说的,所以用this;句(2)是说话者走进厨房闻到香味说的,因为还没有接近,所以用that  

 3.4.2  用于时间上的“远指”     

因为this通常用来指现在或将要到来的时间,而 that指过去时间,所以在即将进行某种示范动作时,用this;在示范动作结束后用that  


This is how you do it. 按下面方法来做。(示范动作前)  

That’s how you do it. 按上述方法去做。(示范动作后)  

 3.4.3   用于语句中的“远指”  

a. 在语句中,通常用that(those)用于指上文提到的名词(短语) 例如:  

The highest form of courage is not always that exhibited in the battle field.   

The water in this well is much cleaner than that in that one.  

I hear you disliked his latest novel. I read his first novel, and that was boring, too.  

You go to fresh places. Describe those. You meet with fresh people. Describe those.  

Do you remember going to   Norway  ? That was a good holiday.  

b. 在语句中,that通常用于指上文提到的从句或句子。 例如:  

I knew I was useless, worthless, penniless, and that until I had qualified myself to do something.  

Send her some flowers—that’s the easiest thing to do.  

Many years ago their wives quarreled over some trivial matter, long forgotten. But one world led to another, and the quarrel developed into a permanent rupiture between them. That’s why the two men never visit each other’s houses.  


He asked for his brown raincoat, insisting that this was his usual coat during the winter months.  

I heard Friday’s meeting has been cancelled. If this/that is so, I shall protest strongly.  


You’re an angelthat you are.  


What do you think that? Bob smashed up my car, and then expected me to pay for the repairs.  

Is that funny? To look for the existence of fish in the well!  


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