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作者:TJX    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012/5/31    
      ★★★★★ 【字体:


6. The boy likes football _________, but doesn’t like basketball _________.

A. much, much        B. much, very much C. very much, much    D. much, very

许多同学只是认为 very much much 语气强,除此之外,其用法是完全一样的。如果这样想,那就错了。按英语习惯,副词 much 修饰动词时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,不能用于肯定句中(除非其前有 very, too, so 等之类的修饰语)。如:

正:He doesn't like her much.(单个的 much 用于否定句,故对)

正:He doesn't much like her.(单个的 much 用于否定句,故对)

正:Does he like her much?(单个的 much 用于疑问句,故对)

正:Does he much like her?(单个的 much 用于疑问句,故对)

正:He likes her very [too, so] much.much 前有修饰语,故对)

误:He likes her much./He much likes her.(单个的 much 用于肯定句,且其前无修饰语,故错)

顺便说一句,单个的 much 有时也能在肯定句中修饰动词。但这类动词只限于regret, admire, prefer, appreciate 等个别动词,且只能放在句中,不可放在句末。如:

正:We much appreciate your invitation. 我们非常感激你的邀请。

误:We appreciate your invitation much. (若改用 very much则完全可以)



7. _________ the railways put on special trains.

A. In holiday            B. On holiday           C. In holidays          D. On holidays

大家知道,on holiday是习语,意为在休假,该短语通常用介词 on 而不用 in,且其中的holiday 通常不用复数,且其中也不用冠词,但有时可用物主代词 (此时可用复数,即 on one's holidays)。基于此认识,许多同学便选了B。其实此题最佳答案为Don holiday on holidays 均可用说,只是含义不同:前者指休假度假,后者指节假日公共假日时,即指诸如元旦、国庆等的放假日。比较:

He is on holiday in Japan. 他在日本度假。

Travel is very heavy here on holidays. 假日这里的交通很拥挤。


8. Considering the dangerous situation, they asked for _________ another meeting.

A. there be              B. there to be           C. there being          D. there was

【分析】此题很容易误选C,因为空白前有介词 for,所以其后的 there be 的非谓语形式应用 there being,而不用 there to be。其实错了,正确答案应是B。在通常情况下,there be 结构出现在介词后时,要用 there being 的形式,但这有一个例外,就是在介词 for之后只能用there to be。比较:

They planned on there being another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。

They planned for there to be another meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。


They asked about there being another meeting. 他们询问是否要再开一次会。

It's essential for there to be another meeting. 有必要再开一次会。


For there _________ successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.(www.yygrammar.com)

A. is                         B. to be                    C. will be                  D. being


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