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作者:周红谢    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011/10/20    
        ★★★ 【字体:


10. 我花了五十元钱买那本英语字典。

I spent fifty yuan on that English dictionary.

= I bought that English dictionary for fifty yuan.

= I paid fifty yuan for that English dictionary

= That English dictionary cost me fifty yuan.

11. 字典很有帮助。

The dictionary is very helpful.

= The dictionary is of great help.

= The dictionary is a great help.

12. 她尽自己所能帮助他。

She did what she could to help him.

= She did all that she could to help him.

= She did everything that she could to help him.

= She did / tried her best to help him.

13. 老师建议我们练习说英语。

Our teacher advised us to practise speaking English.

= Our teacher advised that we (should) practise speaking English.

= Our teacher advised our / us practising speaking English.

= Our teacher tried to persuade us to practise speaking English.

14. 当心!前面危险。

Look out! There is a danger ahead.

=Be careful! There is a danger ahead.

=Take care! There is a danger ahead.

15. 我认为这部戏值得一看。

This play is worth seeing, I think.

= This play is worthy to be seen, I think.

= This play is worthy of being seen, I think.

= It is worth while seeing this play, I think.

= It is worth your while to see this play, I think.

16. 我们去看看汤姆出什么问题了。

Let’s go to see what’s the problem with Tom.

= Let’s go to see what’s the trouble with Tom.

= Let’s go to see what’s the matter with Tom.

= Let’s go to see what’s wrong with Tom.

= Let’s go to see what’s happened to Tom.

17. 我叔叔住在一个窗子朝南的房子里。

My uncle lives in a room whose windows face the south.

= My uncle lives in a room the windows of which face the south.

= My uncle lives in a room of which the windows face the south.

= My uncle lives in a room with the windows facing the south.

= My uncle lives in a room and the windows face the south.

18. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。

It is known to everybody that the earth travels round the sun.

= As is known to everybody, the earth travels round the sun.

= The earth travels round the sun; as / which is known to everybody.

= Everybody knows that the earth travels round the sun.


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