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作者:陈根花    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011/10/17    
        ★★★ 【字体:


on schedule 按照预定时间,及时,准时

The train arrived on schedule. 火车按时到达。

The alarm woke him on schedule. 闹钟准时把他闹醒。

on shore 在岸上,在陆上

Passengers can speak to their friends on shore through wireless telephone. 乘客可以通过无线电话和岸上的朋友讲话。

When the ship arrived at the port, some sailors went on shore. 船到港口后,有些水手上岸去了。

on show 在展出;在陈列

Scores of imported cars are on show here. 几十辆进口车正在这里展出。

The collection is on show at the British Museum. 那批收藏品目前在大英博物馆展出。

on strike 在罢工(罢课、罢市)

The students are out on strike. 学生举行罢课。

The workers have been on strike for two weeks now. 工人已经罢工两星期。

on time 准时

The trains run on time. 火车很准时。

We have to arrive on time at the doctor’s office. 我们得准时到达医生的办公室。

on tiptoe 踮着脚;盼望

They stood on tiptoe to get a better look at the parade. 他们踮起脚以便把游行场面看得更清楚些。

The children were on tiptoe for vacation to begin. 孩子们急切地盼望假期开始。


We crept around on (our) tiptoes so as not to disturb him. 为了不打扰他,我们蹑手蹑脚地走过去。

on top 在上边;处于优势

The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top. 绿皮的书在那一摞的底下,红皮的在上边。

Lendl was on top throughout the match. 伦德尔在比赛中始终占优势。

on trial 在试用;在受审

The clerk was employed on trial. 那个职员是试用的。

Take the machine on trial for a week. 把这机器试验一星期。

He was on trial for murder. 他因谋杀罪而受审。

on vacation 在休假

She plans to go on vacation for most of August. 她打算利用8月的大部分时间度假。

They have gone to France on vacation. 他们到法国去度假了。

on view 供人观看;陈列着

The exhibition is on view until September. 展览将办到9月。

The latest summer fashions are now on view in the big shops. 最新的夏装款式目前正在各大商店中展出。


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