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作者:语法飞扬    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011/4/27    
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5. 与动词vary, range等搭配

from…to…还经常与range, vary等表示“变化”“变动”的动词搭配使用,表示变化或变动的范围。如:

Dress sizes range from petite to extra large. 服装尺码从特小号到特大号不等。

His interests ranged from chess to canoeing. 他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟,范围很广。

These fish vary in weight from 3 lb to 5 lb. 这些鱼的重量从3磅到5磅不等。

The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm. 这些植物的高度从8厘米到20厘米不等。

Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression. 她的情绪由乐观一变而为极度消沉


The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。

Test scores vary from school to school. 测试成绩各校不同。

Prices vary widely from shop to shop. 价格各个商店大不一样。

The treatment will vary from patient to patient. 治疗方法因人而异。

Levels of unemployment vary from region to region. 失业情形各地不同。

Social customs vary greatly from country to country. 社会习俗各国差别很大。

Medical treatment varies greatly from state to state. 医疗制度各州大不同一样。

The symptoms she suffered varied from month to month. 她的症状每个月都不同。

Office hours vary from company to company and country to country. 因公司、国家不同,办公时间也有所不同。

【注】lurch from one crisis / extreme etc to another: also lurch from crisis to crisis


Salary scales vary between states. 工资高低各州不同。

Salary scales vary from state to state. 工资高低一个州与另一州不同。

Salary scales vary according to state. 工资高低视所在的州有报不同。

Salary scales vary with each state. 工资高低各个州不同。

6. 用于 from one…to…结构

from one…to another


She skipped from one subject to another. 她讲得没有条理,东拉西扯。

She spends the day rushing from one meeting to another. 她成天在会场之间奔波。

There are no mechanisms for transferring funds from one department to another. 基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门。


Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. 乔听着,不安地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚。


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