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第十四章 动名词和不定式(一) (Gerunds And Infinitives, Part 1)

14-1  动名词:概述 (Gerunds: Introduction)

14-2  动名词作介词的宾语 (Using Gerunds as the Objects of Prepositions)

14-3  后面接动名词的常见介词短语 (Common Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds)

14-4  后面接动名词的常见动词 (Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds)

14-5  go+动名词 (go + Gerund)

14-6  后面接动词-ing形式的固定搭配 (Special Expressions Followed by -ing)

14-7  后面接不定式的常见动词 (Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives)

14-8  后面既可接不定式又可接动名词的常见动词 (Common Verbs Followed by either Infinitives or Gerunds)

14-9  后面接动名词的动词列表(Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds)

14-10  后面接不定式的动词列表 (Reference List of Verbs Followed by Infinitives)

14-11  it +不定式;动名词和不定式作主语(it + Infinitive; Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects)


第十五章 动名词和不定式(二) (Gerunds And Infinitives, Part 2)

15-1  表示目的的不定式:in order to (Infinitive of Purpose: in order to)

15-2  后面接不定式的形容词 (Adjectives Followed by Infinitives)

15-3  不定式与tooenough连用 (Using Infinitives with too and enough)

15-4  不定式和动名词的被动语态和完成式 (Passive and Past Forms of Infinitives and Gerunds)

15-5  need后接动名词或不定式的被动语态形式  (Using Gerunds or Passive Infinitives Following need)

15-6  所有格修饰动名词 (Using a Possessive to Modify a Gerund)

15-7  感官动词的用法 (Using Verbs of Perception)

15-8  lethelp后接动词原形 (Using the Simple Form after let and help)

15-9  使役动词的用法:make, have, get (Using Causative Verbs: make, have, get)


第十六章  并列连词 (Coordinating Conjunctions)

16-1  平行结构 (Parallel Structure)

16-2  成对连词:both…and; not only…but also; either…or; neither…nor (Using Paired Conjunctions: both . . . and; not only . . . but also; either . . . or; neither . . . nor)

16-3  并列连词连接独立分句  (Combining Independent Clauses with Coordinating Conjunctions)


第十七章 状语从句 (Adverb Clauses)

17-1  概述(Introduction)

17-2  原因状语从句(Using Adverb Clauses to Show Cause and Effect)

17-3  表达对比(意外的结果):even though的用法〔Expressing Contrast (Unexpected Result): Using even though

17-4  表达直接对比:whilewhereas (Showing Direct Contrast: while and whereas)

17-5  条件状语从句:if从句 (Expressing Conditions in Adverb Clauses: if-clauses)

17-6  条件状语从句:whether or not even if 的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using whether or not and even if)

17-7  条件状语从句:in case in the event that的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using in case and in the event that)

17-8  条件状语从句:unless的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using unless)

17-9  条件状语从句:only if的用法 (Adverb Clauses of Condition: Using only if)


第十八章  将状语从句简化为修饰性的副词短语(Reduction Of Adverb Clauses To Modifying Adverbial Phrases)

18-1 概述(Introduction)

18-2  将时间状语从句简化为修饰性的副词短语 (Changing Time Clauses to Modifying Adverbial Phrases)

18-3  用修饰性的副词短语表达“与此同时”的概念 (Expressing the Idea of During the Same Time in Modifying Adverbial Phrases)

18-4  用修饰性的副词短语表示因果关系 (Expressing Cause and Effect in Modifying Adverbial Phrases)

18-5 在修饰性的副词短语中使用 upon + -ing (Using upon + -ing in Modifying Adverbial Phrases)


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