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为 forbid…from doing sth 正名
作者:李  翔    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2010/5/31    


forbid…from doing sth 正名




在中国人编著的工具书中,明确表示“forbid from doing sth”不正确的、出版比较早的有:葛传槼编著《英语惯用法词典》(新修订本)(时代出版社 19604月修订再版)p263: forbid 不可接“from”和gerund;如不可说“His health forbids from going。”


1. 周国珍主编《英语正误详解词典》(复旦大学出版社,20001 0月第1)p305

【误】The storm forbade us from proceeding.

【正】The storm forbade us to proceed.

【解释】表示“禁止”“不准”时,应该是“forbid sb. to do sth”:He forbade the dog to enter the kichen.(他禁止狗进厨房。)

2. 周贞雄编著《大学英语重点词正误用法手册》(中国国际广播出版社 20021 月北京第1)p193


× My fatther forbade me from using his car.

My fatther forbade me to use his car.

My fatther forbade my using his car.

析:记住forbid的三个常用句型:forbid doing sth 不准做某事,forbid sb to do sth不准某人做某事,forbid sb’s doing sth 不准做某人某事。对于forbid sb (from) doing sth这个结构,目前尚有争议,有的词书认为可以用,有的词书认为不可以用,由于近年来还有不少权威考题(如1997年的考研题)还在对此类句型改错,所以建议考生以不用为宜。(笔者注:1997年的考研改错题为:Because of recent accidents, our parents forbid my brother and me from swimming in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us. 参考答案认为:from swimming有错,应改为to swim

然而,现在这种说法已经不符合英语的实际情况,实际上,早就应该为“forbid…from doing sth”恢复名誉了。不能因为某些所谓的“权威考题”的反对而置事实于不顾。 事实上,比所谓的“权威考题”更权威的牛津、朗文和剑桥词典已经把forbid…from doing sth收录其中。请看以下例证:

1. N D Turton and J B Heaton主编的Longman Dictionary of Common Errors(Eleventh impression 2003)p142:

There should be a law which forbids couples to have / from having more than two children.

forbid +sb +to to do / from doing sth: … “Her father ought to forbid her from seeing the boy again.”

2.《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(英英•英汉双解)(外语教学与研究出版社20047月第1) p755: forbid sb from doing sth  Women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 妇女不戴面纱禁止外出。

3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhttp://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary):

forbid somebody from doing something

Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.

4.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第六版)(商务印书馆 2004 8月第2)p681

He forbade them from mentioning the subject again. 他不准他们再提这个问题。

5.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)(商务印书馆 2004 8月第2)p794

He forbade them from mentioning the subject again. 他不准他们再提这个问题。

6. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of Englishp322

He was forbidden from leaving the country.

7. Judy Pearsall主编The New Oxford Dictionary of English(上海外语教语出版社 20014 月第1)p716

I was forbidden from leaving Russia.

8. Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM (v.4.0)( Oxford University Press 2009)

1841 Lane Arab. Nts. I. 122 He forbade both men and women from entering them.

9. Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary Third Edition(电子版)

He is forbidden from leaving the country.

另外,美国出版的在世界上享有声誉的词典也有forbid from doing sth的例证:

1. Macmillan English Dictionary Second Edition(电子版)

Army policy forbids soldiers in uniform from talking to the news media.

2. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage (世界图书出版公司北京公司重印 199612月第1)P456: The Vatican issued an order forbidding all Catholic clergy from participating in Illich’s center.


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