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作者:李  翔    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009/8/14    




江苏丰县 李翔



1. 飘动着的;鼓动着的 (being in a flutter)

(1) 作表语。例如:

The flags were aflutter in the breeze. 旗在空中飘扬。

The woods were aflutter with unknown birds. 树林里因有不知名的小鸟而有动静。

(2) 作宾语补足语。例如:

On April 9, 1997, with flags aflutter, congressmen pontificating, workers cheering and salutes and smiles everywhere, the first true F-22 was unveiled in Lockheed Martin's Georgia assembly plant, while the walls reverberated with the strains of " The Spirit of America. 

2. 激动的(excited and nervous)

(1) 作表语。例如:

All are aflutter at the thought of his return. 想到他的归来,大家都很激动。

Stunned, he became all aflutter. I resented his carelessness. 他吓得手忙脚乱,我恨他大意。

(2) 作宾语补足语。例如:

If it sets your heart aflutter, I will take away my eyes from your face. 如果它使你心震颤,我就把眼光从你脸上挪开。


1. set... aflutter  使……激动。例如:

None of the options I could see really set my heart aflutter, but breakfast at the diner next door sounded marginally more appealing than throwing up the majority of my intestines.

2. be aflutter with sth.  因……而激动。例如:

The whole campus was aflutter with the news. 全校师生由于这个消息而群情激昂。

3. be aflutter with sth.  因……而激动。例如:

I'm all aflutter about meeting him after so long. 这么久以后再见到他,我非常激动。

4. be aflutter to do sth. 因……而激动。例如:

My heart is all aflutter to be talking to you. 和你交流,我的心里非常兴奋。



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