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作者:黄卫峰    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009/5/17    
        ★★★ 【字体:



21. Rhyme, assonance and alliteration are among the most easiest ways a poem can be made phonologically cohesive. (p. 63)


22. In contrast, the Chinese sentence does not necessarily depends on the verb and the basic sentence patterns are formed on the basis of amalgamation of words. (p. 111)

【问题分析】does not necessarily depends中的does已经表示主语第三人称单数,动词depends应回复原形,改为depend

23. For instance we believe that aspirin cures headaches because we tool aspirin in the past and it did cures headaches. (p. 249)

【问题分析】it did后的动词cures应改为原形 cure

24. The comparative study and the examples shown above prove that between a concept and a referent there is no relevant relation other than the indirect one, which consists in its being used by someone to stand for a referent. (p. 97)

【问题分析】relevant relation给人以意思重复之嫌,而且表达不清。

25. When, as the all-knowing author, we not only relate what we observed and what our characters did, but tell, besides, what they thought and how they felt, we employ the omniscient third-person point of view. (p. 194)

【问题分析】not only…but (also)已经包含了besides的含义,因此,这里的besides重复,应去掉。


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