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作者:zhouzx    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-12-31    
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19. __________, I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John. (2001上海卷)

A. As long as I have traveled                B. Now that I have traveled so much

C. Much as I have traveled                   D. As I have traveled so much

20. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity __________ he reaches the end of the story. (2003上海卷)

A. when                                              B. unless

C. after                                               D. until

21. —Dad, I’ve finished my assignment.

—Good, and __________ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me. (2003上海卷)

A. whenever                                        B. whether

C. whatever                                         D. no matter

22. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out __________ he phones. (2000北京春)

A. as long as                                        B. in order that

C. in case                                             D. so that

23. You will succeed in the end __________ you give up halfway. (2001上海春)

A. even if                                             B. as though

C. as long as                                        D. unless

24. —Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?

—Yes, I gave it to her __________ I saw her. (2001北京春)

A. while                                               B. the moment

C. suddenly                                          D. once

25. The famous scientist grew up __________ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. (2002上海春)

A. when                                               B. whenever

C. where                                              D. wherever

26. Mr Hall understands that __________ math has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students. (2003北京春)

A. unless                                               B. since

C. although                                            D. when

27. —Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?

—Yes. He had never praised him __________ he became one of the top students in his grade. (2003北京春)

A. after                                                 B. unless

C. until                                                  D. when

28. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report __________ her boss could read it first next morning. (2003北京春)

A. so that                                              B. because

C. before                                              D. or else

29. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation __________ it got worse. (2003北京)

A. until                                                B. when

C. before                                             D. as

30. __________ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. (2003北京)

A. Even though                                    B. Unless

C. As long as                                       D. while

31. __________ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. (2004北京春)

A. As long as                              B. As far as

C. Just as                                        D. Even if

32. __________I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. (2004江苏卷)

A. While                                             B. Since

C. Before                                            D. Unless

33. It was evening __________ we reached the little town of Winchester. (2004天津卷)

A. that                                                B. until

C. since                                              D. before

34. __________ you call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre. (2004四川卷)

A. Though                                          B. Whether

C. Until                                               D. Unless

35. __________ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. (2004浙江卷)

A. While                                             B. Since

C. As                                                 D. If



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