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1. —I’d like __________ information about the management of your hotel, please.

—Well, you could have __________ word with the manager. He might be helpful. (NMET 1995)

A. some, a                      B. an, some

C. some, some                D. an, a

2. —Have you seen __________ pen? I left it here this morning.

—Is it __________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. (NMET1997)

A. a; the                          B. the; the

C. the; a                          D. a; a

3. Paper money was in __________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in __________ thirteenth century. (NMET1999)

A. the; 不填                     B. the; the

C. 不填; the                     D. 不填; 不填

4. Most animals have little connection with __________ animals of __________ different kind unless they kill them for food. (NMET 2000)   

A. the; a                          B.不填; a

C. the; the                       D.不填; the

5. Jumping out of __________ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite __________ exciting experience. (NMET 2002)

A. 不填, the                    B. 不填, an

C. an, an                        D. the, the

6. The sign reads “In case of __________ fire, break the glass and press __________ red button.” (NMET 2003)

A. 不填; a                       B. 不填; the

C. the; the                       D. a; a

7. Five years ago her brother was __________ university student of __________ physics. (1990上海卷)

A. a, the                          B. an, the

C. an, 不填                      D. a, 不填

8. If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was __________. (1995上海卷)

A. good                           B. the best

C. better                          D. the better

9. It is not rare in __________ that people in __________ fifties are going to university for further education. (1999上海卷)  

A. 90s; the                       B. the 90s; 不填

C. 90s; their                     D. the 90s; their

10. A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in __________ leg. (2001上海卷)

A. a                                 B. one

C. the                              D. his

11. One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain __________ good knowledge of basic word formation. (2002上海卷)

A. 不填                           B. the

C. a                                D. one

12. I earn 10 dollars __________ hour as __________ supermarket cashier on Saturdays. (2003上海卷)

A. a; an                           B. the; a

C. an; a                           D. an; the

13. Summer in __________ south of France is for __________ most part dry and sunny. (2000北京春)

A. 不填, a                       B. the, 不填

C. 不填, 不填                  D. the, the

14. —Where’s __________ nearest bookstore?

—There’s one at __________ end of the street. (2000上海春)

A. the; an                        B. a; the

C. the; the                        D. a; an

15. Mr Smith, there’s a man at __________ front door who says he has __________ news for you of great importance. (2001北京春)

A. the, 不填                     B. the, the

C. 不填, 不填                  D. 不填, the


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